Aurora Public Schools Master Agreement 2021

As the school year begins, the Aurora Public Schools Master Agreement for 2021 is a hot topic of discussion among teachers, administrators, and parents alike. This document outlines the agreement between the Aurora Education Association (AEA) and the Aurora Public Schools (APS) District in Colorado.

The agreement addresses a wide range of topics, including salary increases, benefits, working conditions, and teacher evaluations. One major change for the 2021 school year is the salary increase for teachers, with an average of 2.5% for all employees covered by the agreement.

In addition to salary increases, the agreement includes a number of other notable improvements for teachers. For example, teachers will be able to request additional professional development opportunities, have more input on decisions affecting their classrooms, and receive additional support for classroom management and student behavior.

The agreement also includes provisions for evaluating teacher performance. Under the new agreement, teachers will be evaluated based on a number of factors, including classroom observations, student performance data, and professional development activities. The goal is to provide more meaningful feedback to teachers and support ongoing professional growth.

Another key aspect of the agreement is the provision of comprehensive benefits for teachers. The agreement includes health, dental, and vision insurance, as well as retirement benefits and paid leave. These benefits are designed to attract and retain high-quality teachers in the Aurora Public Schools district.

Overall, the Aurora Public Schools Master Agreement for 2021 is intended to support and empower teachers to provide the best possible education for their students. By providing fair compensation, meaningful evaluations, and comprehensive benefits, the district hopes to attract and retain the best educators in Colorado. If you have any questions or concerns about the agreement, contact the Aurora Education Association or Aurora Public Schools for more information.